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How to succeed in  happy relationships

Short and snappy sentences about typical couple problems or dating topics - that's what my series Hard Truths from the Life of a Couples Therapist on TikTok looks like. Here in the book, the short statements are accompanied by the solution. The book is only in German, however, so I hope that you do have some understanding of the language.

In my first book, I explain what lies behind typical single and couple problems. I talk about issues that I deal with every day in couples therapy and individual counseling, and you can be sure to find yourself in one chapter or another.

Here you will find new, surprising and profound information about

the 4 attachment styles including a detailed self-test,

the trials and tribulations of the dating jungle,

the secrets of a happy relationship (spoiler: it doesn't work without arguing),

a healthy approach to break-ups

Finally find the  love you deserve!

No matter what phase you're currently in: It will help you get out of a toxic relationship, be mindful of yourself in the dating phase and recognize your belief and behavior patterns - and work on them. If you're in a committed relationship or even marriage, my tools can really help you to make your relationship more beautiful again.

The aim of the book is clear: to help you find the love you deserve. A book for everyone who is wants personal growth as a single person or in your relationship.

Buchcover Harte Wahrheiten aus dem Leben einer Paartherapeutin  von Birgit Fehst
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